cantorsalta2015: DYNAMICS ON CANTOR SETS
2-13 nov. 2015 - Universidad Nacional de Salta - Salta - Argentine
About the school Symbolic dynamics, tiling dynamical systems and dynamics on the set of p-adic integers share a common feature: they are defined or involve Cantor sets. This school will focus on these dynamical systems. Symbolic dynamics is an intensively studied area since the 70's that has a lot of strong connections with computer science, geometric dynamical systems, ergodic theory, numeration systems, number theory, automata theory, etc. The school will propose introductions to these topics and in particular to cellular automata, shift of finite type, substitutions, Bratteli diagrams, etc. This school is mainly devoted to students wanting to start a PhD, to PhD students, and young researchers. The language for the school is English. The lectures will be held at AULA VIRTUAL DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS, in the Campus of Universidad Nacional de Salta. Scientific Program COURSESFabien DURAND (U. Picardie Jules Verne, France) : Substitution dynamical systems and applications Karl PETERSEN (University of North Carolina, United States) Measuring complexity in Cantor dynamics (for a short version, clic here) Ai-Hua FAN (U. Picardie Jules Verne, France) : Dynamics on the Cantor set of p-adic integers Mathieu SABLIK (Aix-Marseille U., FRANCE) : Multidimensional subshifts : some links between dynamics and computability Ayse SAHIN (Wright State U., United States) : Towers in ergodic theory Alejandro MAASS (U. Chile, Chile) : Dynamics of cellular automata Vincent DELECROIX (LABRI, CNRS, France), Jorge YAZLLE (U. Salta, Argentina) : Initiation to SAGE
Maria Isabel CORTEZ (U. Santiago, Chile) : Full groups in Cantor dynamics Valérie BERTHE (LIAFA, CNRS, France) : Pisot type susbstitutions Vincent DELECROIX (LABRI, CNRS, France) : Sturmian sequences, interval exchanges, billiards, translation surfaces and Teichmuller flows Samuel PETITE (U. Picardie Jules Verne, France) : Linearly repetitive tilings INDIVIDUAL TALKSLeandro ZUBERMAN (U. Mar del Plata, Argentina), Kathryn HARE and Franklin MENDIVIL: Packing and Hausdorff measures of Cantor sets associated with series. Felipe GARCÍA-RAMOS (I.M.P.A.-U. Sao Paulo, Brazil) and Brian MARCUS: Mean sensitive dependance on initial conditions. Michael SCHRAUDNER (C.M.M.-U. de Chile, Chile) and Ville SALO: Automorphism groups of "small" subshifts. Students: registration procedure, fees, financial support FOR THOSE WHO RESIDE IN ARGENTINA: Deadline for registration: September 13, 2015. Registration fee: NONE. Financial support: Funds from MinCyT (Argentinian Science–Technology Ministry) are available for supporting travel and living expenses for a certain number of accepted students residing in Argentina, outside Salta city. To apply for this support, after registration please send two recommendation letters (including signature and email address of who makes the recommendation) digitalized, to the address indicated above (deadline July 31, 2015). When applying to financial support, let us know an estimation for your travel expenses. FOR THOSE WHO RESIDE OUTSIDE ARGENTINA:
Deadline for registration: September 13, 2015. Registration fee: Collected uniquely by CIMPA. Participants from developing countries can require to be exempted – their demand will be automatically accepted. Other exemption requirements will be considered case by case. Financial support: Funds from CIMPA are available for supporting travel and lodging expenses for a certain number of accepted students residing in countries neighbouring Argentina. To apply for this support, after registration please send two recommendation letters (including signature and email address of who makes the recommendation) digitalized to the address indicated above (deadline September 13, 2015). If accepted, CIMPA also cover the registration fee. When applying to financial support, let us know an estimation for your travel expenses. |
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